The Bluebonnet Garden Club of Brenham, Texas
The Bluebonnet Garden Club of Brenham, Texas, has been dedicated to promoting gardening, beautification, and conservation since 1949. The club participates in numerous civic projects, including landscaping, flower shows, and garden therapy programs. With a proud tradition of community service, the club continues to enhance the beauty of Brenham through its various initiatives.

A little bit about us...
Founded on September 29, 1949, the Bluebonnet Garden Club of Brenham has been dedicated to fostering a love for gardening, floral arrangement, and civic improvement. Affiliated with the National Council of State Garden Clubs, Texas Garden Club, Inc., and the Coastal Prairie Council District IV, the club consists of 30 active members committed to beautifying their community and promoting conservation efforts. Under the leadership of Mrs. W. W. McIntyre, the club's first president, the Bluebonnet Garden Club embarked on its mission by planting bluebonnets along highways and observing Arbor Day with tree plantings at Fireman’s Park.

Over the years, the club has contributed to numerous civic projects, including the Yard-of-the-Month program (initiated in 1951), the organization of the Junior Garden Club, and the creation of a Garden Club Library in 1953. Significant beautification projects followed, such as landscaping at Blinn College, caring for the grounds of the Anson Jones Home at Washington-on-the-Brazos, and supporting public institutions like Brenham Memorial Swimming Pool, Washington County Courthouse, and Brenham public schools. The club’s first flower show in 1952 set a tradition of annual events, which continue to garner acclaim.
The 1960s and 1970s saw the club’s involvement in major civic endeavors, such as the multi-year landscaping project at Brenham High School and the beautification of Market Street Triangle in 1976. The club expanded its reach with a garden therapy program at Brenham Rest Home, eventually growing to include all local care facilities. This period also marked the beginning of the club’s participation in district and national competitions, earning numerous awards and recognition, including “Garden Club of the Year” in both 1997 and 1998.
As the years progressed, the club’s commitment to community service remained unwavering. Projects in the 1990s and early 2000s included restoration efforts at the Giddings-Wilkins House Museum, the landscaping of the Nancy Carol Roberts Library, and various youth gardening initiatives. The Bluebonnet Garden Club celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1999 with the theme "Celebrate our 50th Golden Years—Community Service Through Gardening" and continued to earn accolades for its contributions to the community and excellence in flower shows.
Today, the Bluebonnet Garden Club continues its proud tradition of promoting gardening, beautification, and environmental stewardship in Brenham. From flower shows and youth programs to garden therapy and public space beautification, the club remains a vital part of the local community, driven by its members' passion for horticulture and civic engagement.

We're Proudly Members of:
NGC Mission Statement
National Garden Clubs, Inc. provides education, resources, and national networking opportunities for its members to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility.
Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
Promotes the love of gardening, floral design, horticulture, civic responsibilities, landscaping, environmental concerns, and garden therapy for men, women, and children and encourages participation and support in educational programs for both the very young and advanced students. It is the purpose of this organization to preserve, protect and conserve the natural resources of this country and to maintain and enhance the beauty of our lands.
District IV, TGC. INC.
Its purpose is to advance the fine art of gardening, landscape design, and the study of horticulture and floral design; to offer scholarships for horticultural and floricultural education, conservation, and landscape design; to promote involvement of youth in gardening activities; and to coordinate TGC and NGC activities at the local level.
Awards & Recognitions Over the Years

Since the advent of the club in 1949, the Bluebonnet Garden Club has been recognized annually on the local, state, and national levels for its generous and impressive civic achievements.
The Bluebonnet Garden Club of Brenham, Texas, was organized and held its first meeting on September, 29, 1949. The Club became affiliated with The National Council of State Garden Clubs, Texas Garden Club, Inc., and The Coastal Prairie Council District IV.
The Bluebonnet Garden Club of Brenham, Texas, was organized and held its first meeting on September, 29, 1949. The Club became affiliated with The National Council of State Garden Clubs, Texas Garden Club, Inc., and The Coastal Prairie Council District IV.
In 1953, a Garden Club Library was started and it continues to this date. The library is still enjoyed by members and the public alike.
The Junior Garden Club was organized in 1956 by Clara Bell Levy, and a Litterbug Clean-up campaign started. Several members also judged The Lee County Fair.
The years 1958 through 1962 saw many civic projects added. This included beautification of The Brenham Memorial Swimming Pool, working with The Washington County Fair, planting pecan and redbud trees at the city park, landscaping The Washington County Courthouse grounds, beautifying public school grounds, furnishing flowers for a local library project, and observation of National Garden Week.
By far the most ambitious and far-reaching civic activity was begun in 1964 with the landscaping and planting of trees and shrubs on the ground of the new Brenham High School. This endeavor developed into a three year project.
Projects continued in 1966 and the club donated to the District IV Therapy at Gonzales Warm Springs Foundation.
In 1968, trees and shrubs were planted at the new Brenham High School Vocational Agriculture Building on Arbor Day. Our new Area IV Director was our clubs own, Mrs. Sol Levy.
The landscaping of the Market Street Triangle became a reality in 1976.
A Garden Therapy Program at The Brenham Rest Home was organized in 1985. This program has been so rewarding that we have expanded it to include all of the rest homes/nursing homes in Brenham.
In 1997, the club received “Garden Club of the Year” at District and won a National Award for the Flower Show, “Beauty Expressed Through Movies”.
In 1999, the club initiated three new projects: Reclamation and Recycling-Beautification of The Recycling Center, civic achievement- beautification of the grounds of the city park in cooperation with the City of Brenham Parks Department, and youth gardening with Girl Scout Troop 128, Juniors. Bluebonnet Garden Club celebrated its 50th Anniversary on September 28, 1999. Mrs. Luther Utesch (Dorothy) was asked to be President since she had the most seniority in the club.
In 2001, many of the projects in the previous year continued. Freda Carpenter was elected Vice Director of Membership, Peggy Moser as Chairman of Club Rating, Dorothy Utesch as Community Service Chairman, Eileen Wuycheck as Credentials Chairman, and Edie Muery as Wildflower Preservation Chairman. Ann Polk was named Garden Club Angel. Many awards were won at District, State, and South Central, and two awards were received at the National Level.
The Bluebonnet Garden Club experienced an outstanding year in 2003. Awards were won on District and State levels and the club was named District “Garden Club of the year”. Youth Gardening with the Brownie Scout Troop was continued. The club won State “Garden Club of the Year” and also a National Award.
Members of the Bluebonnet Garden Club continued their winning ways in 2005 by sweeping up numerous awards at both State and District levels. Efforts by two members of our club to merge two projects, Recycling with Youth Gardening, have proved so successful with fourth graders that their butterfly garden ideas will continue at the new elementary school with the school's blessing and help. Another member continues to provide inspiring programs for her garden therapy.
The Bluebonnet Garden Club’s 2007-2008 theme was “Bouquets of Miracles,” and the club objective was “Growing God’s Miracles for All to Enjoy.”
The clubs 2009-2010 theme was “Gardening Green is a Joy Forever” with the objective “Manage Water Efficiently, Select Sustainable Plants”. Arbor Day was observed with a tree planting at the Boy’s and Girl’s Club with administrators, students, guests and members taking park in the program. The club won a National Award for its judged flower show, “Stars Over Texas”.
“Gardening Joy-Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” was the perfect theme for the 2011-2012 Bluebonnet Garden Club. The flower show, “Hospitality-Brenham Style,” reflected that theme, incorporating the older homes of Brenham that had been restored for today’s living.
The theme for 2015-2016 was “Endless Possibilities-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle for our Future” with the objective “Creatively Protect our Natural Resources for Future Generations”. Our club received a Gold Rating. Community Service projects included providing floral arrangements for the Chamber of Commerce Banquet, Fortnightly Club Gala, Heritage Society Belles Gala, Scott and White Hospital Gala, and the Texas Municipal League Regional Meeting. Our club won numerous awards for accomplishments throughout the year and our Junior Gardeners won many awards in poetry and art.
The theme for the 2017-18 year was “Planting Seeds Where Texas Became Texas”, with the objective “Focus on Vegetation of Texas and Washington County”. Our club is a Gold Club of the Year once again. Cookbook, Scrapbook, Website, Pollinators, Yearbook, President’s Report, Youth Horticulture Education, Donations (Brookwood Garden Therapy, Scholarship, Arbor Day), Sponsorship of Brenham Elementary School Garden Club was recognized and received awards in district and state. Student Garden Club members received many awards in the Smokey the Bear and Woodsey Owl poster contests. “Books in Bloom” showcased individual flower displays followed by a Tiny Bites Reception for guests at the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library. Two Pilgrimages were well attended by members.
The Bluebonnet Garden Club’s theme for 2020-2021 was “Plant for the Future in the Birthplace of Texas.” Delegates were sent to District and State conventions, where they accepted many awards and certificates of recognition on behalf of the club. It was a very successful year despite the continued limitations of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Bluebonnet Garden Club’s theme for 2022-2023 was “Plant America – Serving Our Community.” The club's objective was “Plant to Enrich Our Community,” and the annual flower show was themed “Waltz Across Texas – Through a Floral Interpretation of Yesteryear.” The club honored local students by participating in the Brenham Junior High Watch program, and two $1000 scholarships were awarded to two graduating seniors at Brenham High School. The club was honored to win numerous district and state awards and a national certificate of appreciation award to earn a Gold Club rating. A special award this year went to Freda Martin, who earned a Member of Honor award for SCR.
In 1950, the first civic project was planting bluebonnet seeds in public areas and along the highways leading into Brenham. Arbor Day was observed by planting trees at Fireman’s Park.
The first flower show was held in 1952; outstanding flower shows are still held annually.
Two additional projects were added in 1954: the club began assisting in landscaping of the Girl’s Dormitory at Blinn College and the caring for the shrubbery at The State Park at Independence, the original site of Baylor University.
Beautification of the grounds of the Anson Jones Home at Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park was a project, as well as, presenting flowers to residents at The Brenham Rest Home as a therapy project in 1957.
In 1963, Mrs. Ben Schlieder became a National Judge and served as a District IV Committee Chairman along with High School. This endeavor developed into a three-year project. member Martha Schmid.
In 1965, our Standard Flower Show won a national award.
Garden Club Week has been observed by placing plants or arrangements in local business places since 1967.
In 1975, the club was successful in having Brenham designated as an Official Bird Sanctuary.
In 1979, we added a project of landscaping to restore Giddings-Wilkins House Museum and it was a continuing project.
The Bluebonnet Garden Club received the GOLD rating in 1994.
In 1996, the beautification of the grounds of The Nancy Carol Roberts Library was started and finished in 1998.
In 1998, the club received “Garden Club of the Year” at district once again.
In 2000, the club continued its 50th Anniversary Year projects. The theme was “Celebrate our 50th Golden YearsCommunity Service Through Gardening”. The club again received the most awards at the District Convention.
The year 2002 was again a banner year for The Bluebonnet Garden Club of Brenham. Many awards were won on District and State levels, and the club was named “Garden Club of the Year” in the District.
In 2004, Arbor Day was celebrated with the planting of a tree at Faith Mission, Higgins Branch Thrift Shop. Garden Therapy programs continued-“For Such a Time as This-Roses”. We continued work with Youth Gardening in the Butterfly Garden at Brenham Elementary School. The club held “Texas Style” Standard Flower Show-grade 98. We donated $100 for Habitat for Humanity and $60 to the Washington County Chamber of Commerce for bluebonnet seeds. Plans were made for erecting a Blue Star By-way Memorial at Fireman’s Park. Club members furnished arrangements for the Christmas Home Tour sponsored by the local Heritage Society.
Bluebonnet Garden Club’s 2006-07 theme, “Let’s Make a Difference,” was carried out in many ways during the year. Residents of Kruse Village, an elementary school class, and garden club members participated in a non-judged flower show, which was held at Kruse Village. Pilgrimages were to Peckerwood Gardens in Hempstead, Texas, and to the Shaver-Parker House in Chappell Hill, Texas. District IV Fall and Spring Conventions were attended, where Bluebonnet Garden Club member Freda Carpenter presided as District Director.
“Making Good Use of Gardening Talents” was the theme, and “Utilizing and Enhancing Our Horticulture and Design Talents” was the objective of the Bluebonnet Garden Club during the 2008-2009 year. The flower show's theme was “Tapestry of Tablescapes,” and it was held at the First United Methodist Church of Brenham in January. The pilgrimage was to the “Peaceable Kingdom”. Two Bluebonnet Garden Club members, Merlene Schumacher and Dorothy Utesch, were presented lifetime memberships in Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
“Treasure Green Gardening” was the theme for Bluebonnet Garden Club’s 2010-2011 year with the objective of “Back to Basics”. The flower show, “Nostalgia in Bloom” was a great success and was held at the 1870’s Giddings-Stone Mansion. Youth Gardening was busy throughout the year with the junior gardeners. A gazebo was given by the Ed Kruse Family in honor of our member, Evelyn Kruse
The theme for 2012-2013 was “With Confidence, We Face the Future, and With Pride, We Remember the Past.” The club received GOLD Garden Club of the Year and seven additional awards. Six club members attended TGC, Spring Convention in College Station, Texas, and the club received nine awards.
2014-2015 was led by Jere Longhofer and the theme was “Celebrating Our 65th Anniversary”. Our Butterfly Garden at Brenham Elementary School received the National Award this year and many hours of hard work went into the garden. Our flower show, “Art in Blossom” was held at the historic Simon Theater and was critiqued by Jim Johnson. We celebrated our 65th Anniversary at our March meeting inviting past presidents to attend.
“Open your eyes to God’s Creation” was the theme for 2016-2017. The objective was “Honor God by Respecting our Environment’. Our club continues as a Gold Club of the Year and we received numerous other awards from TGC, Inc. for our President’s Report, Yearbook, Website, Scrapbook, Arbor Day, and programs at Brenham Elementary School. As a result of our youth gardening initiatives, we received two cash awards from South Central Region. Members staged a judged flower show, “God’s Creation With Music” that was very successful. We contributed to floral designs for three civic organizations during the year. We judged and participated in the Washington County Fair.
“Plants for the Future in the Birthplace of Texas” was our theme for 2019-2020. We were a Gold Club of the Year again. Our members continued to maintain the gardens through pandemic and the summer.
The Bluebonnet Garden Club’s theme for 2021-2022 was “Preserving the Past while Serving Our Community Today and Tomorrow.” We also provided flower arrangements for the Washington County Chamber of Commerce Banquet and accepted entries for the horticulture exhibit at the Washington County Fair. Local students were honored with our participation in the Junior High School Watch program and the $1000 scholarship presented to a high school senior. The club was honored to win numerous state and local awards, again earning a Gold Club rating. Special awards this year went to Freda Martin, who earned the First Place Member of Honor award for SCR and State.
The Bluebonnet Garden Club’s theme for 2023-2024 was “Go Green – Plant Seeds of Community, Friendship, Unity,” while the club objective was “Plant to Improve OUR Community.” Community outreach included the annual Flower Show-themed “Designs In Bloom: For The Love of Flowers.” The club honored Local students by supporting the Brenham Junior High Watch Program, and two graduating high school seniors were awarded $1000 Scholarships. The club was honored to be awarded numerous district and state awards, along with 3 National award recognitions. It has been another successful year for the Bluebonnet Garden Club as we head into our 75th Anniversary Year.